Jake’s Story: Haemophilia & the Hepatitis C Cure

For Jake (name changed for privacy reasons), managing hepatitis C and taking care of his liver health has been a long journey, but every step has been worthwhile. Jake has mild haemophilia. He first found out he had hepatitis C as a young boy in the 1980s when the children’s hospital called him in for testing. At the time he was more worried that he might have HIV, as that was a big concern for people with haemophilia. This is his story as told to Haemophilia Foundation Australia.

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When treatment, and everything else, goes wrong: David’s story

I have been reading the Hepatitis SA Community News for a long time, perhaps since its inception! I have always been interested to read other people’s stories of living with hep C. The time has come for me to tell my tale.

I have been living with the hep C virus for over 30 years, contracting it some time in the mid-to-late ‘80s. In my late teens and early twenties I discovered that injecting various drugs was a wonderful form of escape. My need to obliterate myself during this period was the result of having been sexually abused in my early teens by the leader of a NSW Church of England Boys Society group.

Continue reading “When treatment, and everything else, goes wrong: David’s story”