
HR23: Strength in Solidarity

Hepatitis SA delegates to the Harm Reduction International Conference 2023 share their takeaways.

Bringing Testing to Community

Hepatitis C rapid testing will soon be coming to aboriginal communities in regional South Australia.

It’s Your Right in SA

New hep C testing/treatment campaign’s successes The Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership (EC Australia) was created in 2018 to bring together researchers, scientists, government, health services and community organisations to …

Haemophilia & Childhood Hep C

For most people who live with haemophilia and were exposed to hepatitis C through their treatment products, before proper testing was introduced, the diagnosis experience was more than 30 years …

hands holding sign: Homeless and Hungry

Connections Improve Hepatitis C Care for People who are Homeless

Aaron* was shocked when his hepatitis C rapid test came back positive. When he was approached by a nurse and peer worker at the Hutt Street Centre to get tested, …

Picture showing graph of declining numbers

Hepatitis C – Australia likely to miss targets

Despite having been one of the countries leading in the global campaign to eliminate viral hepatitis, Australia may now not meet its 2022 national hepatitis C treatment target or the …

World Hepatitis Day 2021 – Don’t Wait

28 July is World Hepatitis Day. This year, Hepatitis SA is urging South Australians not to wait. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen people put off seeing their healthcare providers. Unfortunately, …

Haemophilia and Hepatitis C: My Hepatitis Cure

Hepatitis C was one of the unintended results of haemophilia treatment before blood products could be tested for the virus. Gavin Finkelstein shares his story...

The 2030 Accord

We live in a world built upon achievements. We have travelled to the moon, developed vaccines,  created the internet and even cloned life itself. Today we have the opportunity to create …

Hep Can’t What?

In a rare alignment, the Australian 2021 World Hepatitis Day campaign is adopting the message of the global campaign. This year, both global and national campaigns are telling you: hepatitis …

Two women friends in facemasks doing an elbow-bump greeting

COVID Etiquette

We all learn how to behave socially, and the rules vary based on our cultural backgrounds. We may shake hands, high-five, hug or air-kiss when greeting others.  In some cultures, …

Telling Your Story

Positive Speaker Kath Leane learns about autobiographical storytelling...

Still Out There – hep C which has a cure & hep B which has a vaccine…

In these COVID-focused times, it is worth remembering that there are other viruses out there, active in our community. World Hepatitis Day reminds us that over 226,500 Australians – including …

Five Years of CNP Peers: Part 3

In this final instalment of conversations with Hepatitis SA peer educators, Margie, Penni, Justin and Sue reflect on the rewards they find in the job. Read previous instalments: Part 1 …