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It’s Your Right in SA

New hep C testing/treatment campaign’s successes The Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership (EC Australia) was created in 2018 to bring together researchers, scientists, government, health services and community organisations to …

Haemophilia & Childhood Hep C

For most people who live with haemophilia and were exposed to hepatitis C through their treatment products, before proper testing was introduced, the diagnosis experience was more than 30 years …

Are Livers Forever Young?

Of all the body’s organs, the liver has the greatest power to regenerate itself. Liver cell replacement and regeneration are vital functions that keep us feeling well and also maintain …

Hepatitis A: Will Understanding its replication lead to a cure?

Understanding how a virus replicates inside the body is crucial for working out how it spreads, and how to stop it. A research team at the University of North Carolina …

PROMPt Study Success

Suppose for a moment that you are one of thousands of people around the world each year who confront the possibility that they may have contracted the hepatitis C virus. …

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Hepatitis and Children: Part 2 – Hepatitis B and C

In our last post we looked at the mysterious new form of hepatitis affecting young children. But what about hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which are already well known problems …

Hepatitis and Children: Part 1 – The Mystery

An unusual, and probably new, form of hepatitis has appeared in a number of countries this year, first being noticed in the UK, then spreading to Spain and the Netherlands …

Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain

The Prehistory of Hepatitis B

A new study has traced the evolution of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) from prehistory to the present, revealing dissemination routes and changes in viral diversity. In a new paper …

hands holding sign: Homeless and Hungry

Connections Improve Hepatitis C Care for People who are Homeless

Aaron* was shocked when his hepatitis C rapid test came back positive. When he was approached by a nurse and peer worker at the Hutt Street Centre to get tested, …

Finding 50,000

A hunt will soon be on to find 50,000 Australians with hepatitis C who are missing out on getting cured. Finding 50,000 campaign will target geographically dispersed and socially diverse …

Picture showing graph of declining numbers

Hepatitis C – Australia likely to miss targets

Despite having been one of the countries leading in the global campaign to eliminate viral hepatitis, Australia may now not meet its 2022 national hepatitis C treatment target or the …

Hepatitis B Targets – Australia 23 years behind on care, 24 on treatment

Australia still has a long way to go to achieve its National Hepatitis B Strategy targets aimed at eliminating the disease by 2030. The latest report from the Doherty Institute’s …

World Hepatitis Day 2021 – Don’t Wait

28 July is World Hepatitis Day. This year, Hepatitis SA is urging South Australians not to wait. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen people put off seeing their healthcare providers. Unfortunately, …

Haemophilia and Hepatitis C: My Hepatitis Cure

Hepatitis C was one of the unintended results of haemophilia treatment before blood products could be tested for the virus. Gavin Finkelstein shares his story...

The 2030 Accord

We live in a world built upon achievements. We have travelled to the moon, developed vaccines,  created the internet and even cloned life itself. Today we have the opportunity to create …

Hep Can’t What?

In a rare alignment, the Australian 2021 World Hepatitis Day campaign is adopting the message of the global campaign. This year, both global and national campaigns are telling you: hepatitis …

finger prick testing

Testing… Testing — New HCV testing technologies

Hepatitis C tests are getting easier. That’s the promise on the horizon as new testing methods are introduced or trialed. Current conventional hepatitis C testing consists of a blood test …

Hepatitis B Treatment—not necessarily a life-long commitment

There is a common view that once you start hepatitis B treatment, you will be on it for life. This is changing. In recent years, numerous studies have been done …

LiverWELL’s Aboriginal Healthy Living Guide: Helping you care for your liver and your mob

Caring for country and for collective wellbeing is something our First Nations have done for over 65,000 years. Hepatitis Victoria's LiverWELL program have launched a customised guide that offers Indigenous Australians multiple tips and current links to support healthy living.

Two women friends in facemasks doing an elbow-bump greeting

COVID Etiquette

We all learn how to behave socially, and the rules vary based on our cultural backgrounds. We may shake hands, high-five, hug or air-kiss when greeting others.  In some cultures, …

When treatment, and everything else, goes wrong: David’s story

I have been living with the hep C virus for over 30 years, contracting it some time in the mid-to-late ‘80s. In my late teens and early twenties I discovered that injecting various drugs was a wonderful form of escape.

calculator, stethoscope and medicine bottles on white background

Release Hep Funds to Meet Targets

The Australian Government has used the delayed 2020 Federal Budget to commit to funding for several vital areas of hepatitis research, including pathogen genomics, prison-based interventions, and point-of-care testing. However, …

Telling Your Story

Positive Speaker Kath Leane learns about autobiographical storytelling...

Still Out There – hep C which has a cure & hep B which has a vaccine…

In these COVID-focused times, it is worth remembering that there are other viruses out there, active in our community. World Hepatitis Day reminds us that over 226,500 Australians – including …