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WHO Warns World: Viral Hepatitis Claiming 3500 Lives Each Day

In 2023, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), presented Egypt with an official certification for becoming the first country to achieve gold-tier status on the …

Diabetes and Hepatitis – What’s the Link?

Most people are unaware of the link between diabetes and hepatitis - two chronic conditions common in Australia.

In Our Library: Resource Highlights, March 2024

New titles include dried blood spot testing pilot evaluation, reducing STI BBV stigma in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities...

WHO Releases New Hepatitis B Guidelines

New WHO hep B guidelines: simplified treatment criteria, improved hep D diagnosis, better access to prophylactic treatment for pregnant women.

Global Elimination: Low-Middle Income Countries Need New Financing Strategies

Direct-acting antivirals is the most effective weapon in the fight to eliminate hepatitis C, but access is very dependent on which country you're in.

Hepatitis and Children: Unravelling the Mystery

In 2022 an unusual, and probably new, form of hepatitis began to appear in a number of countries, being first noticed in the UK, then spreading to Spain and the Netherlands …

Australians Called to Act on Truth-Telling

The Close the Gap Campaign has called on Australians to take the initiative to act on truth-telling by undertaking their own processes in their organisations, institutions, professions, and communities to …

Strange Jump in European Hepatitis E Cases

Hepatitis E is relatively rare in Europe, but in recent months there has been a strange and unexpected jump in cases, according to a recent report from the European Centre …

Hepatitis Risks for Young People: Reliable, Age-Appropriate Resources

There are a number of behaviours relevant to young people that carry a risk of blood-borne virus transmission.

Healthcare Workers’ Crucial Role in Addressing Legal Needs of STIBBV Clients

A Recent survey into unmet needs of people living with BBV or STI highlight crucial role of healthcare workers in helping their clients address the needs.

Image by vectorjuicea on Freepik

New experimental treatment offers hope for advanced liver cancer

Sydney-based researchers have discovered a new way to treat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, and the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Hepatocellular carcinomas …

In Our Library: Resource Highlights, February 2024

Browse our new acquisitions. Highlights: Take Blaktion easy read STI information and a report on management of of patients with diabetes and liver diseases.

Photo by Zinkevych

Past Hep B No Cancer Risk for People Cured of Hep C

For a long time it has been standard practice to recommend anyone living with hepatitis C to get vaccinated against hepatitis B, as the two viruses together can put more …

What did Dr Jane Lomax-Smith share the limelight with – twice?

Have some fun! Do the quiz and you could win a $25 gift card.

Shock! Horror!: Media Stigmatising of AOD Users

Negative media portrayal of drug use perpetuates the issues it claims to oppose. South Australian study makes recommendations for change.

Celebrating 100 Issues

The Hep C Community News began as a seven-page black and white newsletter in October 1997. Now, 26 years later, we’ve reached our 100th issue! You can read an in-depth …


HepSA Community News site is the shared online space for the HepSAY blog and the quarterly Community News magazine.

Cash Rewards for Hep C Treatment

A study is exploring whether cash rewards would motivate people to start hepatitis C treatment, and if it does, what level of payment is needed.

Selections on Living Well with Hepatitis – Part 1

Part 1 of a selection with information on managing symptoms, maintaining relationships, and staying well physically and mentally.

SAPOL Education

The Hepatitis SA Education team to deliver ongoing blood safety and viral hepatitis training and education to all operational SAPOL personnel.

Alcohol No Barrier to SVR

Research finds alcohol does not reduce chances of successful hepatitis C treatment.

In Memory of Mark Tiller

Mark Tiller started working in harm reduction as a volunteer with SAVIVE and later came to Hepatitis SA as a member of the Clean Needle Program (CNP) team.

Community News – A Look Back

Before social media and online chat, there were newsletters. People read them, wrote letters to the editor and contributed essays. That’s when the Community News was born.

Liver Cancer Control Roadmap

The elimination of hepatitis B and hepatitis C is one of the key strategies outlined in a set of guidelines addressing the alarming rise of liver cancer cases and associated …