HepSA Community News

In Our Library: Resource Highlights, January 2025

HepSA Library January acquisition highlights: stigma, First Nations healthcare in prisons, HBV surveillance report, and more…

Click on the images or titles to access the resources, or view all resources added in the last month.

National surveillance for hepatitis B indicators national report 2022: : tracking Australia’s progress towards hepatitis B elimination

WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis & Doherty Institute, Melbourne, 2024. 49p.

Statistics for prevalence, diagnosis, engagement in care, treatment, deaths, and jurisdictional disparities.

A world of stigma: lessons from the first-ever Tackling Stigma Conference

Int. Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), Zurich, 2024. 6p.

Key takeaways from a deep dive into stigma in all its forms: drug use, gender, race, religion, disability, HIV, LGBTQI+, sex work, abortion etc. Contains links to presentations.

5 Questions to ask about your medicines

NPS Medicinewise, NACCHO, Good Medicine Better Health, Sydney, 2022. 2p. flyer

5 questions to ask your doctor, pharmacist, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner or Worker – with tips for taking care of yourself and space to add personal notes.

The national review of First Nations health care in prisons: final report

Nous Consortium, Australia, 2024. 71p. report; 70p. literature summary; 28p. consultation summary; 3p. Health Minister’s joint response.

This report presents evidence and recommendations for systemic reform to improve health care for First Nations people in places of detention and on release (with references to hepatitis C initiatives).

Prevalence of blood-borne virus infections and uptake of hepatitis C testing and treatment in Australian prisons: the AusHep study

The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, Beijing, 2024. 14p.

Despite high overall HCV testing and treatment uptake, lower uptake and ongoing HCV disease burden in sub-populations this report highlights the need for continued prison-based elimination efforts with population-specific interventions.

Fifth National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2024–2030. Consultation draft

The Department of Health and Aged Care, Canberra, 2024. 61p.

Recognises the value of screening for particular STIs in specific population groups, but aims to concentrate STI control through efforts such as reducing morbidities specifically related to priority populations and/or specific STIs.

To view the full list of newly added titles with links, go to the library home page.

Last updated 19 March 2025

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