More on disease management and policies.
Hepatitis B
- B positive – all you wanted to know about hepatitis B: a guide for primary care providers (ASHM)
- HepBHelp: an online resource for GPs diagnosing hepatitis B
- Australian National Hepatitis B Testing Policy
- Australian Immunisation Handbook – Hepatitis B
- Third National Hepatitis B Strategy
- Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project
- Managing chronic hepatitis B – advice for GPs. Video from SA Health.
- Hepatitis B in Australia. Full presentation by Prof Ben Cowie.
- Hepatitis B Mapping Project. Full presentation by Prof Ben Cowie on treatment and monitoring by Medicare Local areas.
Hepatitis C
- HCV Testing Policy
- SA Health Community Prescribing
- Australian Recommendations for the Management of Hepatitis C Virus Infection: a consensus statement
- Fifth National Hepatitis C Strategy
- Viral Hepatitis Mapping Project
- GESA and PBS information for prescribers and dispensers.
- Monitoring Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake in Australia. Published by Kirby Institute.
- The New Era of Hep C Cure: Who should be treated? Talk by Dr Jennifer Price on hepatitis C treatment for people with diabetes. A UCTV video.
- New Hepatitis C Treatment: On demand webcast. Prof Greg Dore
- The Australian Society for HIV and Viral Hepatitis Medicine (ASHM) provides information on viral hepatitis.
- The Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA) provides Management Guidelines and recommendations on viral hepatitis as well as information for patients.
- Hepatitis Australia an information resource for patients; provides high quality and current information on viral hepatitis.
- Hepatitis SA provides local information resources for patients and health care workers.