Tag: Hepatitis C

When treatment, and everything else, goes wrong: David’s story

I have been living with the hep C virus for over 30 years, contracting it some time in the mid-to-late ‘80s. In my late teens and early twenties I discovered that injecting various drugs was a wonderful form of escape.

Telling Your Story

Positive Speaker Kath Leane learns about autobiographical storytelling...

Still Out There – hep C which has a cure & hep B which has a vaccine…

In these COVID-focused times, it is worth remembering that there are other viruses out there, active in our community. World Hepatitis Day reminds us that over 226,500 Australians – including …

Newborn Resistance

Unlike other blood-borne viruses such as HIV and hepatitis B, the risk of a baby being infected with hepatitis C during the mother’s pregnancy or during birth is very low. …

Hep C: the virus that can be cured – making ‘not ok’ a bit more ‘ok’

By Lisa Carter If you haven’t achieved some great new thing while in isolation, there is something wrong with you. At least that’s what some social media influencers would have us believe.  Motivational posts urging you to learn a new language, start a …

M-m-m-my Corona

Coronavirus has revived old anxieties for Elle. Anxieties she had lived with for decades and of which she was relieved when her hepatitis C was cured in 2016. She shares …

Coronavirus and Hepatitis

People with weakened immune systems (e.g. people on immune suppressing medications, people receiving cancer treatments), older people especially those aged over 70 years, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and …

“I’ll have hep C treatment eventually.”

Opioid substitution treatment (OST) clinics are considered ideal locations for providing treatment for people with chronic hepatitis C virus infection who inject drugs, a vital priority group for achieving the …

Talk to a Nurse

South Australia’s Viral Hepatitis Nurses are clinical practice consultants who work with patients in the community, general practice or hospital setting. They provide a link between public hospital specialist services …

Why are a small group of people born immune to hepatitis C?

Virologist Connor Bamford and Professor John McLauchlan, both of the University of Glasgow, explain to the Hepatitis SA Community News how their research shows that not all people are equally …

New guidelines mean more freedom for healthcare workers living with BBVs

New national guidelines endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council have been released in January 2019 for healthcare workers who perform exposure-prone procedures, and for healthcare workers living with …

The scene in the street outside Dr Solomon’s Chennai clinic during the floods which disrupted the study

Treating Hepatitis C Under Nearly Impossible Conditions

The challenge of eliminating hepatitis in India...

Cured the hep C? Next up, quit smoking

You may have read recently that health experts in the US are concerned that the health gains made by treating people with hep C will be lost because this group …

Curing Your Hep C – Tips For Remembering to Take Every Dose

Taking every dose of your direct-acting antiviral gives you the best chance of a cure. Because many of these drugs are new, it’s not yet clear how missed doses may …

Reaching Out to Baby Boomers

Hepatitis Australia is currently developing a campaign to reach baby boomers and other community groups who may have been missed in past hepatitis C awareness raising efforts. Almost eight out …

Tackling Hepatitis and Other Blood-Borne Viruses in Prisons

The prevalence of hepatitis C and  hepatitis B in Australian prisons is higher than in in the wider community, but prison settings also present and opportunity for testing, monitoring and …

Handy Tool Simplifies Management of Hepatitis C Treatment

One of the key planks of Australia’s hepatitis C elimination strategy is increasing treatment through management by General Practitioners (GPs), making it easier for individuals to receive treatment and facilitating access …

World Hepatitis Day – A Few Things to Think About During Morning Tea…

In the ten minutes it took you to brew your morning cuppa and dunk your favourite bikkie, 25 people died. They were killed by viral hepatitis – part of the 152 …

Need for Hepatitis Support Continues

The need for support and information about hepatitis C brought together a small band of people in Adelaide some 20 years ago. That small group from the 90s grew to become today’s Hepatitis …

Jewel of South Australian Viral Hepatitis Services

Kim had just started on the new hepatitis C treatment and things seemed to be going well until he realised he was unable to get his new supply of tablets because …

Saliva, Cricket and Viral Diseases – Hysteria Resurfaces

Misinformation has reared its ugly head again as South Australians waded into the debate over the Du Plessis ball tampering drama. The South African cricket captain’s controversial habit of polishing …

Quite Little, Very Late – Government response to Silent Disease Report

The Federal Government’s response to the ‘Silent Disease’ inquiry into hepatitis C in Australia falls well short of what anyone living with hepatitis C could have hoped. Coming nearly 18 months …

Heroes of Old Treatment

As part of World Hepatitis Day, people all over the world were encouraged to investigate the new treatments now available for hepatitis C. These treatments are more effective, faster, easier …

blood test in a lab

Will South Australians Miss Out on Future Cures?

It is a rare thing that a cure can be found for a chronic disease. Yet such a thing did happen recently with the revolution in treatments for hepatitis C. …