Issue 101

May 2024

Selections on Living Well with Hepatitis – Part 2

Part 2 of our Librarian's selection on managing symptoms and other challenges of living with hepatitis.

Health Expo 2024 Wellness Wonderland

The Health Expo 2024 Wellness Wonderland was an absolute hit, packed with exciting activities and experiences! Hepatitis SA joined in the fun as one of the stallholders.

Tarpari Wellbeing Day 2024

Recently two educators from the Hepatitis SA Education team attended the Tarpari Wellbeing Day. This family-friendly free biennial event for the whole community was held on 17 April at Memorial …

Three women with arms raised, faces painted with coloured powder, happy, laughing.

Fun Equally Shared – Harmony Day with a Difference

At first glance, Harmony Day at Community Access and Services SA (CAaSSA) in Ascot Park is like most other multi-cultural festivals: people from minority cultures milling around in exotic costumes, …

From the Summit: Sadness, Anger, Call for Action to Stop Hepatitis Deaths

The World Hepatitis Summit has called on governments to put words into action and take concrete steps to reduce the impact of viral hepatitis.

Diabetes and Hepatitis – What’s the Link?

Most people are unaware of the link between diabetes and hepatitis - two chronic conditions common in Australia.

Hepatitis and Children: Unravelling the Mystery

In 2022 an unusual, and probably new, form of hepatitis began to appear in a number of countries, being first noticed in the UK, then spreading to Spain and the Netherlands …

Image by vectorjuicea on Freepik

New experimental treatment offers hope for advanced liver cancer

Sydney-based researchers have discovered a new way to treat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, and the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Hepatocellular carcinomas …

Photo by Zinkevych

Past Hep B No Cancer Risk for People Cured of Hep C

For a long time it has been standard practice to recommend anyone living with hepatitis C to get vaccinated against hepatitis B, as the two viruses together can put more …

Shock! Horror!: Media Stigmatising of AOD Users

Negative media portrayal of drug use perpetuates the issues it claims to oppose. South Australian study makes recommendations for change.