Living with Hepatitis

Eating Low Sodium Part One – the No Added Salt Diet

In this series on low salt eating for people with liver disease we will be looking at how to modify your diet to stay within the recommended daily sodium intake  *. …

World Hepatitis Day – A Few Things to Think About During Morning Tea…

In the ten minutes it took you to brew your morning cuppa and dunk your favourite bikkie, 25 people died. They were killed by viral hepatitis – part of the 152 …

Eat Well to Feel Well – Convenience Food or Convenient Food?

If you have viral hepatitis eating well can make a real difference to your quality of life but consistently eating fresh, healthy food most of the time can be a …

Need for Hepatitis Support Continues

The need for support and information about hepatitis C brought together a small band of people in Adelaide some 20 years ago. That small group from the 90s grew to become today’s Hepatitis …

Mind-Body Connection: Keeping Your Spirits Up For a Healthier Life

If you’re reading this blog, then you probably already care about taking responsibility for your health and well-being. And you probably know that the connection between mind and body is …

Filipino ladies with red umbrella at the hepSA stall at Filipino Fiesta

Hepatitis B Community Education Projects in South Australia

Hepatitis B community education projects are rolling out around Australia with four in full swing in South Australia. First off the rank in SA was a project with the Filipino …

New Improved Hepatitis B Medicine to be Considered for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

As Australians with hepatitis C are being cured at unprecedented rates, there is promise of a better medicine for those living with chronic hepatitis B who need treatment. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory …

Struggling with Sleep? Why the Things We Love to Do Keep Us Awake at Nights!

Sleep is especially important when you have viral hepatitis. Your body is already dealing with the effects of hepatitis B or C and your liver is in need of extra …

Low Salt? But What Will I Eat?

Many people with liver disease are advised by their specialist to follow a low salt diet. Unfortunately, quite often no other information is given and people are left wondering just …

Heroes of Old Treatment

As part of World Hepatitis Day, people all over the world were encouraged to investigate the new treatments now available for hepatitis C. These treatments are more effective, faster, easier …