
Waking to a New Life

Maureen Cook went from worrying about how long she had to live to planning for a whole new life. It only took her 23 years. “I only found out I …

Illustration of a woman relaxing on a sofa with healthy food and headphones, enjoying life in her own way

Voices for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing

Given the evidence of huge disparities it is logical to give the Indigenous communities a valid voice

image with blue sky, cloud, tree, 3 people. Text: Yes You Can! Thrive wtih hep B, Say Bye to hep C.

World Hepatitis Day 2023

The focus of Hepatitis SA's 2023 World Hepatitis Day campaign was Life, Relationships and Hepatitis B.

Montage of screenshots of community organisation websites stating support for the Voice overlaid with image of bumper VOTE YES! sticker

VOTE YES! Communities for the Voice

Community organisations like Hepatitis SA are coming forward to support the Uluru Statement of the Heart.

Hepatitis SA Supports the Voice to Parliament

On 5 June 2023, the Board of Hepatitis SA resolved to support the Voice to Parliament.Hepatitis SA accepts the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and welcomes the …

Up to 3,000 lives saved in first year of Take-Home Naloxone program

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia calls for pharmacy participation in Take Home Naloxone program

Life, Relationships and Hepatitis B

Her nephew had just got engaged and wasn’t sure if he should tell his fiancé’s family about his hepatitis B.

HR23: Strength in Solidarity

Hepatitis SA delegates to the Harm Reduction International Conference 2023 share their takeaways.

Bringing Testing to Community

Hepatitis C rapid testing will soon be coming to aboriginal communities in regional South Australia.

It’s Your Right in SA

New hep C testing/treatment campaign’s successes The Eliminate Hepatitis C Australia Partnership (EC Australia) was created in 2018 to bring together researchers, scientists, government, health services and community organisations to …

Haemophilia & Childhood Hep C

For most people who live with haemophilia and were exposed to hepatitis C through their treatment products, before proper testing was introduced, the diagnosis experience was more than 30 years …

hands holding sign: Homeless and Hungry

Connections Improve Hepatitis C Care for People who are Homeless

Aaron* was shocked when his hepatitis C rapid test came back positive. When he was approached by a nurse and peer worker at the Hutt Street Centre to get tested, …

Picture showing graph of declining numbers

Hepatitis C – Australia likely to miss targets

Despite having been one of the countries leading in the global campaign to eliminate viral hepatitis, Australia may now not meet its 2022 national hepatitis C treatment target or the …

World Hepatitis Day 2021 – Don’t Wait

28 July is World Hepatitis Day. This year, Hepatitis SA is urging South Australians not to wait. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen people put off seeing their healthcare providers. Unfortunately, …