Cecilia Lim

Pathogens Don’t Defer to Presidents or Politicians

The sudden freezing of USAID funds is jeopardising the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030. In an editorial published 14 February, the Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology said efforts to …

William Donohue – Farewell to a Champion and Friend

Hepatitis SA staff were saddened to hear of the passing of Dr William Donohue. Not all of us have met him personally, but we were all aware of his significant …

Introducing SAhrps

Hepatitis SA’s peer-based needle and syringe program, NSP Peer Projects, is now called SA Harm Reduction Peer Services (SAhrps). This rebranding emphasises that the program offers more than just needle …

Reducing BBV Risks in the Permanent Make-up Industry

The permanent make up (PMU) industry in Australia is largely unregulated and while sad stories of botched eyebrows and misshapen lips gain media attention every now and then, less has …

image showing use of finger stick to extract a small drop of blood.

First Hepatitis B Rapid Testing in SA

After a long wait, hepatitis B point-of-care testing finally made its appearance at a community testing event in Adelaide. Hepatitis SA launched the first hepatitis B rapid testing clinic in …

Empowering Change, Reducing Stigma

Much has been said about the stigma around sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne-viruses (BBV). If you work with people living with HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, you would …

World Hepatitis Testing Week

The first ever World Hepatitis Testing Week starts on 18 November. Inspired by the European Testing Week campaign which had been running twice a year since 2013, World Hepatitis Testing …

Supporting Families Who Support Users

Supporting someone close to you who is struggling with drugs or alcohol issues can be lonely and stressful. Most people are not equipped to deal with the challenge, and don’t …

Going Reflex for Timely Results

There is a true story about Helen, who for 12 years, lived with hep C without hep C. She lived with the feeling of guilt, isolation and anxiety until she …

Training Breakthrough with SAPOL

Blood safety and viral hepatitis education and training are now a requirement for all South Australian Police operational personnel. After a year of negotiations with SA Police Training and Development …

Full Circle – Gary’s Story

Gary Spence began his adult working life in the police. He moved on to community services and came full circle with a unique achievement: successfully lobbying for the inclusion of …

Why is Liver Cancer Rate Still Rising?

As we mark Liver Cancer Awareness Month, one question jumps out: Why is the rate of liver cancer increasing when there are effective ways to prevent it? The biggest risk …

Into the Community

South Australia has done well in progressing towards hepatitis elimination. More than half of people in the state with hepatitis C have been cured, but momentum has slowed, and with …

Shopping Centre Fibroscans – Popular as Hot Cakes

A liver health scan would not be on your ‘to-get’ list when you visit your local stores, so shoppers at the Arndale Shopping Centre in Kilkenny, north-west of Adelaide, were …

Hepatitis B Advocacy Letter to MPs

South Australian Members of Parliament have been urged to help raise hepatitis B awareness in their communities, and to support calls for more resources to increase efforts to reach people …

World Hepatitis Day 2024 – Time to Act!

South Australia must continue the momentum of progress towards hepatitis elimination and ensure that no community is left behind. This was the call from the State’s Minister for Health and …

Mobilising the Whole Health System

One of the keys to viral hepatitis elimination is to make hepatitis screening, monitoring and clinical management part of the broader health system, delivered along with other infectious diseases screening and care.

Don’t like injections? A Prick-Free Natural Alternative is on the Horizon

Injections as a form of drug delivery for people with chronic diseases, may one day be a thing of the past. Two Australian university researchers are a step closer to …

Indigenous Peoples Consensus Statement

“We acknowledge all Indigenous peoples around the world here with us and online. We, the presenters of the Indigenous Session at the World Hepatitis Summit 2024 are here to present …

Three women with arms raised, faces painted with coloured powder, happy, laughing.

Fun Equally Shared – Harmony Day with a Difference

At first glance, Harmony Day at Community Access and Services SA (CAaSSA) in Ascot Park is like most other multi-cultural festivals: people from minority cultures milling around in exotic costumes, …

WHS Declaration: Reset and Re-invigorate

“To improve the lives of the over 300 million people living with hepatitis, the attendees of the 4th World Hepatitis Summit call for a reset and re-invigoration of the response. …

From the Summit: Sadness, Anger, Call for Action to Stop Hepatitis Deaths

The World Hepatitis Summit has called on governments to put words into action and take concrete steps to reduce the impact of viral hepatitis.

Supporting Women with Hepatitis

Around the world, women living with hepatitis face barriers to getting care and treatment, beyond those faced by their male counterparts. This was the clear message from an international panel …

Diabetes and Hepatitis – What’s the Link?

Most people are unaware of the link between diabetes and hepatitis - two chronic conditions common in Australia.