Existing stigma around hepatitis can leave those who are affected feeling isolated, unsure of rights, and nervous about seeking support for fear of being judged or excluded. This has an impact on more than health: it can affect family life, social life, work life – and on help-seeking in general1.
Being aware of basic rights (to be treated without discrimination) can assist in being more assertive in unfair situations. An understanding of the accompanying responsibility to provide information about health status is also important.
These resources will assist in recognising discrimination, understanding rights and responsibilities – and finding support if there has been unfair behaviour – especially from service providers.

Hepatitis NSW, Sydney, 2023. 3p
This factsheet clearly lists who in your life you should tell, when and how to go about sharing this information – and what the possible outcomes might be.
Aust. Govt. Dept. of Health, Canberra, 2023. 4p. plus audio file and video (with Auslan sign language)
Outlines basic healthcare rights, how and where to make a complaint, with information about advocacy, additional resources and support.

Hepatitis Australia, Canberra, 2022. 2p.
Useful overview of what discrimination might look like – especially when accessing health services; where to get advice and support; with some specific information for people moving to Australia. Contains additional links to related documents.
Hepatitis Australia, Canberra, 2022. 2p.
Detailed information about the legal responsibilities of disclosing information about hepatitis status e.g when giving blood, as a healthcare worker, when applying for insurance, etc. Contains links to additional resources.

LiverWell, Melbourne, 2018. 13p.
Your right to privacy and disclosure (work, education, healthcare and homelife); your right to be free from discrimination; legal issues; with contacts for complaints.
LiverWell, Melbourne, 2019. 2 min video
People with lived experience are interviewed about experiences of care, especially around disclosure, and what advice they would give to healthcare professionals about how they would like to be treated. Healthcare workers were asked about awareness and tips in talking about hep C in a non-stigmatising manner.

Viral Hepatitis & HIV stereotyping, stigmatisation and discrimination in health care settings
LiverWell, Melbourne, 2014. 4p.
Outlines, in detail, what stigma and discrimination might look like (actual or perceived), groups that are more likely to be affected – and what a quality, non-discriminatory health service should look like.
For more resources about the legal aspects of discrimination click here
For information about stigma click here
For a list of resources on this topic for students and researchers see the Community News article, Sept 2024
Please ">contact us for more information or assistance in accessing resources.
- see more at ‘The blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections stigma reduction toolkit … for the Victorian healthcare workforce 2022. Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. ↩︎
Last updated 20 February 2025
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