Hepatitis SA’s peer-based needle and syringe program, NSP Peer Projects, is now called SA Harm Reduction Peer Services (SAhrps). This rebranding emphasises that the program offers more than just needle and syringe program (NSP) services.
Incorporating Harm Reduction into the name underscores the program’s approach to service delivery and highlights that SAhrps workers and volunteers are Harm Reduction peers. They provide non-judgmental, friendly, peer support and education, as well as harm reduction services aimed at improving the health and well-being of people who inject drugs.
Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction is an approach to drug use that aims to reduce the negative health, social and legal impacts of drug policy and legislation.
It is a way of promoting health and reducing drug related harm that meets people where they are. Harm reduction focuses on reducing the risks and adverse health consequences associated with drug use without requiring that people stop using drugs.
SAhrps is a team of people who are able to draw on their lived and living experience to engage with people who inject drugs and provide accurate, relevant harm reduction information and services without stigma or value judgement.
SAhrps Peers at NSPs
By placing peers at NSPs, SAhrps can provide non-judgemental services by people who know the culture and are comfortable and knowledgeable talking about safer injecting.
SAhrps Harm Reduction Peers can provide:
- An extended range of new injecting equipment and disposal options.
- Sterile water, wheel filters, Sterifilt filters and tourniquets, available in small amounts at no cost.
- Peer education and information to support safer injecting practices.
- Harm reduction information on issues relating to injecting drug use and health.
- Appropriate referrals to health and social services, including drug treatment services.
- Information and education on overdose recognition and response, including accessing and administering naloxone.

In addition to peers in primary NSP sites, SAhrps has a Sessional Peer Education Project where peer workers are present on a regular day, or days, each week at NSP sites that engage with priority populations.
This collaboration with other service organisations works effectively to enhance the NSP service at host sites by providing an experienced and knowledgeable peer as a trusted and credible source of information, for both the host site staff and service users.
Workforce Training
SAhrps harm reduction peers can also provide workers with training to support engagement with clients who inject drugs. Training topics include:
- Performance enhancing drugs: an introduction which includes commonly used equipment for injecting.
- Overdose awareness.
- Viral hepatitis education and prevention of blood borne virus transmission.
- Vein care.
- Common health issues experienced by people who inject drugs and how to prevent them.
- How to engage with people who inject drugs.
For training or placement of a peer at your organisation, call SAhrps Coordinator, Carol Holly, on 8362 8443 or email .
SAhrps is part of a national network of peer-based harm reduction organizations and programs and is the SA member of the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL), the Australian national peer-led peak organisation representing, and advancing the health and human rights of, people who use and inject drugs.

Along with the new name, SA Harm Reduction Peer Services now also has a logo and an email address for general information.
SA Harm Reduction Peer Services will continue to be an integral program of Hepatitis SA, working closely with other teams to support and improve the lives and well-being of people who inject drugs, people affected by viral hepatitis, and the organisation’s broader goal of viral hepatitis elimination by 2030.
SAhrps peer worker locations
Primary sites
Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5 pm (closed 12:30 pm to 1 pm).
Noarlunga Health Village
Alexander Kelly Drive
Noarlunga 5169
Ph: 83849661
Wonggangga Turtpandi Aboriginal Primary Health Care Services
cnr Church and Dale Streets
Port Adelaide 5015
Ph : 8240 9613
DASSA Northern Services
22 Langford Street
Elizabeth 5112
Ph: 7485 4625
Sessional sites
Call Hepatitis SA (1800 437 222) or bit.ly/sahrps-sites for times.
Uniting Communities
43 Franklin St, Adelaide
(cnr Franklin & Pitt Streets)
Ph: 8202 5152
Salvation Army
62 Whitmore Square
Adelaide 5000
Ph: 8212 2855
For more information visit hepsa.asn.au.
Last updated 18 February 2025
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