NSW dried blood spot HIV and hepatitis C testing pilot mid-point evaluation November 2016 – December 2020
NSW Health, Sydney, 2023. 75p.
Highlights some implications for practice, such as scaling up DBS testing in prisons, continuing to offer online self-registration for DBS testing, and ongoing promotion of the DBS Pilot through targeted health promotion activities.
Brief on blood borne virus (BBV) infection via spitting or biting
Health+Law, Sydney, 2023. 11p. preprint
Presents a summary of current clinical literature regarding the transmissibility of BBVs via spitting or biting (esp. HIV, HCV and HBV), and how BBVs are actually transmitted.

Sexually transmitted infections pose new threat to aging adults
News-Medical.Net, Manchester, 2024. 4p. Article review.
The incidence of STIs among people aged 60 to 89 years is increasing in some regions of the world. Indicating that more awareness about the issue, stigma reduction and preventive measures are needed. Contains link to original article.
“With education comes understanding”: Reducing stigma around BBVs and STIs in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Aust Society for HIV, Viral Hep & Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM), Sydney, 2023. 4p.
Deadly Liver Mob offers hep C and sexual health education and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members. During 1st year pilot at just 1 site DLM reached more than 400 community members, of which 300 were referred onto sexual health screenings.

Patient and healthcare provider perceptions of acceptability of fingerstick point-of-care hepatitis C testing at Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) in Australia
International Journal of Drug Policy, via Elsevier, London, 2024. 8p.
HCV test-and-treat models of care delivered by ACCHS simplify the HCV care pathway (and an opportunity for addressing other healthcare needs) and ensure all HCV care is provided in a culturally safe setting.
Australia falling behind on hepatitis B elimination targets
Insight, via AMPCo, Sydney, 2023. 2p.
Tracking progress towards Australia’s elimination targets for hepatitis B isn’t just about measuring progress, it’s about providing tools for driving progress towards health equity and saving lives.

Last updated 27 June 2024
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