Take Blaktion
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW & NSW Government, Sydney, 2024. Website.
Comprehensive information about sexual health by, and for, Aboriginal people. Includes ‘Ask Nurse Nettie’ (confidential online chat), videos, clinic locations, and quizzes.
Barriers and solutions to increasing access to point-of-care HCV testing
Int. Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), Zurich, 2023. 23p.
Recommendations from the 2023 INHSU Hepatitis C Point-of-Care Testing Forum. Sydney, Australia. Includes: key barriers and solutions, components of successful programs and examples of pilot and national programs.

Management of diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic liver diseases
Jn of Diabetes Research (via US National Library of Medicine), Bethesda MD, 2019. 9p.
According to a growing body of research, diabetes shows a close correlation with hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Moreover, coexistence of liver complications would accelerate the deterioration of patients with diabetes.
Advocate: holistic health
Network of Alcohol & other Drug Agencies (NADA), Sydney, 2023. 29p.
Magazine for people working in AOD services. Includes articles on healthy mouths, health lives, let’s get physical, how to promote holistic health, unmasking eating disorders, holiday harm reduction.

Insights from the scale-up and implementation of the Deadly Liver Mob program across nine sites in New South Wales, Australia, according to the RE-AIM framework
Harm Reduction Journal, London, 2023. 14p.
Client and staff insights into the successes and challenges of implementing the DLM program according to the RE-AIM framework, which explores reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance.
Visit our online library, click on Search our Catalogue to find more hepatitis-related resources .
Last updated 27 June 2024
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