Minister for Health, Jack Snelling, has confirmed today that most researchers undertaking existing clinical trials as well as new trials being planned, will be housed within the new Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH).
“Face to face patient consultations will continue to occur within the outpatient, inpatient or day treatment areas, as they do at the current RAH,” he said.
In addition, the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) will accommodate some cancer and cardiology researchers, whose work aligns with the existing SAHMRI “research pillars”
The Minister said this arrangement was the result of substantial planning discussions with research and administration staff about the requirements for their particular trials and the suitability of the new hospital.
At June 2016, the RAH had around 140 staff working on 287 clinical trials with planning underway for another 100 trials to start within the next twelve months as some current trials reach completion.
Behind the scenes research work will be undertaken in various locations around the hospital, including a new Research Hub in the teaching and learning area.
This… will provide certainty for our research staff, clinicians and private research partners into the future
Executive Director New RAH Activation, Paul Lambert said they have been able to allocate space for nearly all researchers within the new RAH, with a small number utilising space in the SAHMRI next door.
“This is the result of extensive planning and will provide certainty for our research staff, clinicians and private research partners into the future,” he said.
Mr Lambert thanked research staff for their patience, engagement and support in working through a range of options, before finally settling on this solution together.
Minister Snelling said world-class research and clinical trials are vital to South Australia’s standing in the medical and research worlds.
“Having all our current clinical trials based in the heart of the Health and Biomedical Precinct, with the majority at the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, is an excellent outcome.
“These important trials will deliver potentially lifesaving medical breakthroughs for many years to come.”
Background information
Will South Australians Miss Out on Future Cures?
New RAH will Accommodate Clinical Trials – Health Minister
Last updated 31 May 2024
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