Tag: stigma

AIVL Health and Human Rights Summit

In the past AIVL summits and AGMs were in Canberra because that’s where the AIVL offices were situated. We needed somewhere fresh, and Adelaide turned out to be perfect.

Treatment with Respect: Your Rights and Responsibilities

Helpful information for those affected by hepatitis stigma, feeling isolated and unsure of their rights.

Empowering Change, Reducing Stigma

Much has been said about the stigma around sexually transmitted infections (STI) and blood-borne-viruses (BBV). If you work with people living with HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C, you would …

Drawing of a woman standing on one side of a fence, trying to get past.

Stigma and Discrimination: Resources for Students and Researchers

This small collection of resources is a brief introduction to viral hepatitis related stigma and discrimination, selected especially for students or people researching the topic. You can find many more …

Healthcare Workers’ Crucial Role in Addressing Legal Needs of STIBBV Clients

A Recent survey into unmet needs of people living with BBV or STI highlight crucial role of healthcare workers in helping their clients address the needs.

Shock! Horror!: Media Stigmatising of AOD Users

Negative media portrayal of drug use perpetuates the issues it claims to oppose. South Australian study makes recommendations for change.

Hepatitis C Stigma and Discrimination in a Post-Cure World

Does the advent of effective hepatitis cure herald a transition to a truly ‘post-cure world'?

Treatment Barriers for Rural Aboriginal South Australians

Hepatitis C infection in indigenous communities is increasing while rate decreases in the wider community.

Haemophilia & Childhood Hep C

For most people who live with haemophilia and were exposed to hepatitis C through their treatment products, before proper testing was introduced, the diagnosis experience was more than 30 years …