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 South Australians, are taking up hepatitis C treatment as never before.

During the 3 months to end of May, over 1,200 South Australians started hepatitis C treatment. This is half the number of people throughout Australia who were treated for hepatitis C in a whole year, before the new treatments became available.

These new hepatitis C treatments are highly effective and easy to tolerate, as summarised in the recent New vs Old video from Hepatitis SA which is calling on people to get tested and treated.

“We’re calling on all people living with hepatitis B or hepatitis C to speak to their doctor to make sure they aren’t missing out on treatment that can prevent liver cancer, liver cirrhosis and liver failure,” Ms Paterson said.

“Simple actions such as being tested for the virus or having a regular liver check-up can save lives by ensuring that treatment starts at the right time,” she said.

“Despite more than 11,850 South Australians living with chronic hepatitis C and a further 14,400 living with chronic hepatitis B, not enough people with these conditions are receiving the necessary monitoring and treatment.

“Recent treatment advances for hepatitis C, vaccination for hepatitis B, and the development of fast and painless liver scans to monitor liver health, mean that we can manage and treat both hepatitis B and hepatitis C before serious liver disease develops.”

People who work with clients who may have hepatitis are encouraged to find out more and help spread the word. World Hepatitis Day posters and infographics can be downloaded here.

Hepatitis SA in partnership with MOSAIC counselling service, is organising two workshops for workers who wish to brush up on their hepatitis C knowledge. More information here.


“World Hepatitis Day provides an important reminder for families and communities to talk about viral hepatitis and ensure we turn the tide on these two conditions,” Ms Paterson said.

“A world – and a South Australia – without hepatitis is achievable.”


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